Set up your new inthesk with iOS
Welcome to the inthesk community!
1. Download inthesk app
Go to the Apple App Store, download and install the inthesk mobile app here.
Screenshot 1
2. Create an account / Sign in
When you open the app for the first time, you’ll see this instruction screen. Create an account (2) or, if you already have an account, select “Login” (3). Also, if you don’t have a purchased ik device, you can log in as a guest (1) to help the community.
Option 3
Guest Mode
By clicking on the “Enter as a guest” button, you will access a screen where you will be told that you can use your mobile device to help the community | inthesk | to find lost devices.
Also, you will have the option to access our website and get your own ik device (1). If you already have an account, you can return to the previous screen to log in (2).
Option 1
Attention for new user
If you are registering for the first time, then when you click on the “Register” button (2), the first thing that will appear will be to add your newly acquired inthesk. You must select the model you have first and pair it with your mobile phone. Then continue with the registration process with your personal data.
Option 2
How to use
Once the device is configured correctly, a small guide will appear that will teach you how to use it quickly and simply, you just have to follow the steps indicated.
In case you already know how to use it, you can skip this tutorial just by clicking on the button that you find in the lower right corner.
Already on the main screen you can see how your new inthesk is configured in the list with the data you have entered in the previous step and with the icon of what you have chosen for the object you want to protect.
You would now have your inthesk prepared and ready to go!
If you have created a new account, you will receive confirmation in your email.
3. Add an inthesk
Once logged in, press the button on the top right of the application to bring up a menu, then press the “Link new inthesk” button to add the new device. The steps to follow will be the same as the previous ones.
4. Use Siri to locate devices.
On the main screen, tap on any of your devices to access the menu. You must press the “Siri Shortcuts” button to receive information on how to call your devices through the iOS Assistant.
Option 2
5. Identify your inthesk
In the app, you can also choose an icon that matches the value you want to track, or modify it to your liking. In the case of being a new inthesk, it has no category or type until you specify one.
Thus, you will be able to change the category and type of tool of your new inthesk. Finally, click on the Save button.